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Editorial Standards

Editorial Standards are essential to our partnership with authors.

Can two walk together, except they be agreed? Amos 3:3 KJV.


As a supported self-publisher, we work alongside authors to present powerful, life-transforming content that upholds Christian morals and values. 


As you profess to be a Christian, we want you to be confident that you are joining a family of authors and a publishing partner that upholds a Biblical worldview along with you. 

By submitting your manuscript for our Done-for-You Publishing services, you are acknowledging and confirming that the content of your manuscript is an alignment with our Editorial Standards and there are mutual values and 
beliefs shared between you, your manuscript, and Truth2RenewHearts Publishing.

We have positive expectations for a great author-publisher partnership, and we look forward to the 
opportunity to welcome you into our family of authors.

Truth2RenewHearts' Editorial Standards

Titles published with the Truth2RenewHearts Publishing brand must meet the following 

✓ Writers who openly profess to be Christian and have a relationship with Jesus Christ
We want to work with authors who are proud of their faith and who profess Jesus is Lord,
according to Romans 10:9-10.

✓ Content in the manuscript upholds biblical standards and is consistent with teachings from the Holy Bible

✓ Content is morally and spiritually pure, and free of counter-biblical teaching

We will not publish works which contain the following:

- Recommendations or instructions that may be harmful to readers or others


- Profanity 

- Details, directions, encouragement, or promotion of the practice of witchcraft, the 
occult, numerology, horoscopes, magic, horror, new age practices, and the like

- The encouragement of violence against, or hatred of, any social, cultural, ethnic, gender 
or religious groups 

- Indiscriminate violent content, sexually explicit content, or immoral acts 

- Personal proprietary right violations or infringements

If your manuscript is in alignment with these standards and you have reviewed the Publishing Guide, we invite you to schedule a Birth Your Book® Consultation. 


Let's Work Together

In the event your manuscript does not meet the Editorial Standards, please know that Truth2RenewHearts is not diminishing the value of your manuscript, or condemning its content, your perspective, or your character.

As you journey to become a published author, we recommend that you publish your book through another company that is best fitted for your needs, beliefs, and values.

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