Hello Aspiring Author!
I am thrilled that you have stopped by our site and I am even more excited for you! Yes YOU. You have a book inside of you that is waiting to be released! The time is now, and we are here to help you make your dream your reality. My team and I are ready to partner with you so can become a published author!
Three years ago, I was just like you. I had ideas stashed in my brain, pages of writing on my computer, and a desire to make an impact and encourage lives with the message I had inside. Since that time, in 2015 I published and successfully released my first book, Positioned To Be Found: How To Prepare Yourself For Marriage Right Now. It was a book I wrote to single women who desire marriage one day. Within two days of the release of the book, it became a #1 Amazon Best Seller and it remains in the top 100 books in its category today, 2 years later!
The launch and success of the book would not have been possible without me first over-coming writer's block, developing quality life-changing content, copyrighting my brilliance, having a tantalizing book description, a professional cover design, learning costly author mistakes, and being determined to implement countless nights of research on how to publish a book. The process was tedious, overwhelming, and at some times, frustrating. However, it produced a harvest of transforming lives and I want to help you do the same!
Since the time of publishing my book through my company, Truth2RenewHearts Enterprises, LLC, many people have asked me about the process and have inquired about how to publish their book. Aspiring authors have desired direction, a book coach, an affordable publisher, and they want to release their book and become a published author! This inspired me to package every lesson I've learned and team up with a number of skilled professionals to ensure you can become a published author with your mind at ease and without breaking the bank. TRH Publishing is comprised of a team of experienced professionals who are committed to making your dream your reality! With our combined passion, knowledge, and belief in you, we aim to Publish The Book In Your Heart, so your can Share Your Truth With the World!
Aspiring Author, I've published my book, now IT'S YOUR TURN & IT'S YOUR TIME!
On behalf of the Truth2RenewHearts Publishing Team, we are looking forward to working with you!
Yours In Service,
Teresa Renee Hunt, M. Ed.
Chief Publishing Officer